
01/05/2014 01:04:22

Buenas pues vengo a preguntar si alguien conoce alguna variante que ponga estos conjuros algo capados, porque de quitar toda la vida y sanarla toda...

Yo tengo este bajado pero por algo el sanar me dice que tiene demasiadas instrucciones y me lo chafa y mucho.


¿Alguno conoce una variante o sabe como arreglar ésto?


01/05/2014 01:10:11

Los scripts que tienes que trastear son nw_s0_heal, nw_s0_masheal y nw_s0_harm


01/05/2014 02:44:17

Lo se, pero no se crear desde cero y el que me falla es el sanar, pero no se el porqué :S


01/05/2014 12:53:53

Pega aquí el código del sanar si los otros dos te van.


01/05/2014 15:55:07

Aquí está, lo único que quiero que haga es, que cada nivel sane 10 puntos de vida y su límite sea 250, no quiero ni más ni menos. Y gracias de antemano.

#include "NW_I0_SPELLS"
void main()
//Declare major variables
object oCaster = OBJECT_SELF;
int nCasterLvl = GetCasterLevel(oCaster);
object oTarget = GetSpellTargetObject();
effect eKill, eHeal;
int nDamage, nHeal, nModify, nMetaMagic, nTouch;
effect eSun = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_SUNSTRIKE);
effect eHealVis = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_HEALING_X);
//Check to see if the target is an undead
if (GetRacialType(oTarget) == RACIAL_TYPE_UNDEAD)
//Fire cast spell at event for the specified target
SignalEvent(oTarget, EventSpellCastAt(OBJECT_SELF, SPELL_HEAL));
//Make a touch attack
if (TouchAttackMelee(oTarget))
//Make SR check
if (!MyResistSpell(OBJECT_SELF, oTarget))
//Roll damage
nDamage = 10 * nCasterLvl;
if (nDamage > 250){nDamage = 250;}
//Will save for half damage
if (MySavingThrow(SAVING_THROW_WILL, oTarget, GetSpellSaveDC()))
nDamage = nDamage/2;
if (nDamage > (GetCurrentHitPoints(oTarget) - 1))
nDamage = GetCurrentHitPoints(oTarget) - 1;
//Set damage
eKill = EffectDamage(nDamage, DAMAGE_TYPE_POSITIVE);
//Apply damage effect and VFX impact
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eKill, oTarget);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eSun, oTarget);
//Fire cast spell at event for the specified target
SignalEvent(oTarget, EventSpellCastAt(OBJECT_SELF, SPELL_HEAL, FALSE));
//Figure out how much to heal
nHeal = 10 * nCasterLvl;
if (nHeal > 250){nHeal = 250;}
//Set the heal effect
eHeal = EffectHeal(nHeal);
//Remove negative mind effects and poisons/diseases
int bValid = FALSE;
effect eParal = GetFirstEffect(oTarget);
effect eVis3 = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_REMOVE_CONDITION);
//Get the first effect on the target
//Check if the current effect is of correct type
int nEffectType = GetEffectType(eParal);
if (nEffectType == EFFECT_TYPE_DISEASE)
//Remove the effect
RemoveEffect(oTarget, eParal);
bValid = TRUE;
//Remove the effect
RemoveEffect(oTarget, eParal);
bValid = TRUE;
if (nEffectType == EFFECT_TYPE_POISON)
//Remove the effect
RemoveEffect(oTarget, eParal);
bValid = TRUE;
if (nEffectType == EFFECT_TYPE_CONFUSED)
//Remove the effect
RemoveEffect(oTarget, eParal);
bValid = TRUE;
if (nEffectType == EFFECT_TYPE_DAZED)
//Remove the effect
RemoveEffect(oTarget, eParal);
bValid = TRUE;
if (nEffectType == EFFECT_TYPE_DEAF)
//Remove the effect
RemoveEffect(oTarget, eParal);
bValid = TRUE;
if (nEffectType == EFFECT_TYPE_STUNNED)
//Remove the effect
RemoveEffect(oTarget, eParal);
bValid = TRUE;
&& GetEffectDurationType(eParal) != DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT)
//Remove the effect
RemoveEffect(oTarget, eParal);
bValid = TRUE;
//Get the next effect on the target
if (bValid)
//Apply VFX Impact
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eVis3, oTarget);
//Apply the heal effect and the VFX impact
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eHealVis, oTarget);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eHeal, oTarget);


03/05/2014 13:22:11

Tenia un error el script por eso te daba el error de demasiadas instrucciones.

En vez de poner

eParal = GetNextEffect(oTarget);

solo puso


Aquí lo tienes corregido

#include "NW_I0_SPELLS"
void main()
//Declare major variables
object oCaster = OBJECT_SELF;
int nCasterLvl = GetCasterLevel(oCaster);
object oTarget = GetSpellTargetObject();
effect eKill, eHeal;
int nDamage, nHeal, nModify, nMetaMagic, nTouch;
effect eSun = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_SUNSTRIKE);
effect eHealVis = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_HEALING_X);
//Check to see if the target is an undead
if (GetRacialType(oTarget) == RACIAL_TYPE_UNDEAD)
//Fire cast spell at event for the specified target
SignalEvent(oTarget, EventSpellCastAt(OBJECT_SELF, SPELL_HEAL));
//Make a touch attack
if (TouchAttackMelee(oTarget))
//Make SR check
if (!MyResistSpell(OBJECT_SELF, oTarget))
//Roll damage
nDamage = 10 * nCasterLvl;
if (nDamage > 250){nDamage = 250;}
//Will save for half damage
if (MySavingThrow(SAVING_THROW_WILL, oTarget, GetSpellSaveDC()))
nDamage = nDamage/2;
if (nDamage > (GetCurrentHitPoints(oTarget) - 1))
nDamage = GetCurrentHitPoints(oTarget) - 1;
//Set damage
eKill = EffectDamage(nDamage, DAMAGE_TYPE_POSITIVE);
//Apply damage effect and VFX impact
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eKill, oTarget);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eSun, oTarget);
//Fire cast spell at event for the specified target
SignalEvent(oTarget, EventSpellCastAt(OBJECT_SELF, SPELL_HEAL, FALSE));
//Figure out how much to heal
nHeal = 10 * nCasterLvl;
if (nHeal > 250){nHeal = 250;}
//Set the heal effect
eHeal = EffectHeal(nHeal);
//Remove negative mind effects and poisons/diseases
int bValid = FALSE;
effect eParal = GetFirstEffect(oTarget);
effect eVis3 = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_REMOVE_CONDITION);
//Get the first effect on the target
//Check if the current effect is of correct type
int nEffectType = GetEffectType(eParal);
if (nEffectType == EFFECT_TYPE_DISEASE)
//Remove the effect
RemoveEffect(oTarget, eParal);
bValid = TRUE;
//Remove the effect
RemoveEffect(oTarget, eParal);
bValid = TRUE;
if (nEffectType == EFFECT_TYPE_POISON)
//Remove the effect
RemoveEffect(oTarget, eParal);
bValid = TRUE;
if (nEffectType == EFFECT_TYPE_CONFUSED)
//Remove the effect
RemoveEffect(oTarget, eParal);
bValid = TRUE;
if (nEffectType == EFFECT_TYPE_DAZED)
//Remove the effect
RemoveEffect(oTarget, eParal);
bValid = TRUE;
if (nEffectType == EFFECT_TYPE_DEAF)
//Remove the effect
RemoveEffect(oTarget, eParal);
bValid = TRUE;
if (nEffectType == EFFECT_TYPE_STUNNED)
//Remove the effect
RemoveEffect(oTarget, eParal);
bValid = TRUE;
&& GetEffectDurationType(eParal) != DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT)
//Remove the effect
RemoveEffect(oTarget, eParal);
bValid = TRUE;
//Get the next effect on the target
eParal = GetNextEffect(oTarget);
if (bValid)
//Apply VFX Impact
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eVis3, oTarget);
//Apply the heal effect and the VFX impact
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eHealVis, oTarget);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eHeal, oTarget);


03/05/2014 17:26:13

Gracias Althor eres una máquina :)