
10/09/2014 22:49:26

Pues nada, otra vez vengo a molestar...

Esto ya lo pregunté en Clan Dlan pero hay una última pregunta que necesito resolver...

Empiezo diciendo que uso el Persistent Quest Journal y... mi pregunta usando este sistema es:

¿Se podría hacer que cuando un jugador va en un grupo las entradas del diario sea solo para el jugador que hace la quest?

Testeando hoy he descubierto que cuando un jugador está en un grupo y quiere hacer la quest, como esté en un grupo la entrada al diario se las da a todo el grupo y entonces todos los jugadores de ese grupo hacen la misión sin querer hacerla y encima no reciben recompensa, osea que se pasan la misión sin recibir recompensa y sin querer hacerla o hacerla ellos.

Lo que a mi me gustaría es que las entradas al diario las diera solo al jugador que está haciendo la quest o el jugador que encuentra el objeto/habla con un pnj/etc...


10/09/2014 23:57:04

Asegurate que en tus scripts la funcion AddJournalQuestEntry

// Add a journal quest entry to oCreature.
// - szPlotID: the plot identifier used in the toolset's Journal Editor
// - nState: the state of the plot as seen in the toolset's Journal Editor
// - oCreature
// - bAllPartyMembers: If this is TRUE, the entry will show up in the journal of
// everyone in the party
// - bAllPlayers: If this is TRUE, the entry will show up in the journal of
// everyone in the world
// - bAllowOverrideHigher: If this is TRUE, you can set the state to a lower
// number than the one it is currently on
void AddJournalQuestEntry(string szPlotID, int nState, object oCreature, int bAllPartyMembers=TRUE, int bAllPlayers=FALSE, int bAllowOverrideHigher=FALSE)

tenga bAllPartyMembers en FALSE y bAllPlayers en FALSE


11/09/2014 01:46:09

Uhm lo he hecho pero sigue entrando...
(Ahora lo he probado yo solo con dos pc´s tendrán la misma IP no se si eso cuenta...)


11/09/2014 01:55:46

//:: Persistent Quests & Journal Entries / Beta
//:: pqj_inc
//:: Copyright (c) 2001 Bioware Corp.

Persistent Quests and Journal Entries

This is a compact set of scripts (4 public functions, 2 private functions) to help you get
a persistent journal and to generally manage quests without much overhead.

it works like this:

you prepare your journal in the toolbox, assigning proper tags/ids, then you normally use
AddJournalQuestEntry() and RemoveJournalQuestEntry() to manage them via scripting.

now, you just have to use AddPersistentJournalQuestEntry() and RemovePersistentJournalQuestEntry()
with exact the same parameters (bAllPlayer, bAllPartyMembers and bAllowOverrideHigher still work like
in the original bioware functions). this means no restrictions, it's fully transparent.

now add the following line of code to your Module OnClientEnter script (don't forget to include this script):

that's all, now you have a persistent journal... you can basically use CTRL-R to find/replace the
original functions with the persistent ones and add the OnClientEnter code.

furthermore, you can use RetrieveQuestState() to get the current state of a
quest for the specified player/quest-tag. this means you can manage your conversations with
this function and control quest-flow. you won't need to store additional LocalInts somewhere, just
use the DB information.

technical blabla:

minimized DB usage: stores all quest states in a single string

i'm using a combo of tokenized + padded string to get maximum parsing efficiency.
tokenized: i can find & change a single quest entry with only a few string commands
padded: i can browse through a large string (100+ quest entries) with minimal need of string manipulation
so this won't slow down your server during journal rebuilds even with tons of quests

this is beta code and pretty much un-optimized ..still needs some bug hunting

//:: Created By: Knat
//:: Created On: 19.06.2003

// database filename
const string PQJ_DATABASE = "JOURNALS";
// database fieldname

// transparent wrapper to AddJournalQuestEntry
// use this function instead of the original one to store quest/journal data
// persistently using the bio DB. all function parameters work similar to the original function
// Add a journal quest entry to oCreature.
// - szPlotID: the plot identifier used in the toolset's Journal Editor
// - nState: the state of the plot as seen in the toolset's Journal Editor
// - oCreature
// - bAllPartyMembers: If this is TRUE, the entry will show up in the journal of
// everyone in the party
// - bAllPlayers: If this is TRUE, the entry will show up in the journal of
// everyone in the world
// - bAllowOverrideHigher: If this is TRUE, you can set the state to a lower
// number than the one it is currently on
void AddPersistentJournalQuestEntry(string szPlotID, int nState, object oCreature, int bAllPartyMembers=FALSE, int bAllPlayers=FALSE, int bAllowOverrideHigher=FALSE);

// transparent wrapper to RemoveJournalQuestEntry()
// use this function instead of the original one to remove quest/journal data
// persistently using the bio DB. all function parameters work similar to the original function
// Remove a journal quest entry from oCreature.
// - szPlotID: the plot identifier used in the toolset's Journal Editor
// - oCreature
// - bAllPartyMembers: If this is TRUE, the entry will be removed from the
// journal of everyone in the party
// - bAllPlayers: If this is TRUE, the entry will be removed from the journal of
// everyone in the world
void RemovePersistentJournalQuestEntry(string szPlotID, object oCreature, int bAllPartyMembers=FALSE, int bAllPlayers=FALSE);

// use this function to rebuild the journal on oCreature using the bio DB
// a good place is the Module OnClientEnter() event
void RebuildJournalQuestEntries(object oCreature);

// retrieve persistent quest state from the DB
// - szPlotID: the plot identifier used in the toolset's Journal Editor
int RetrieveQuestState(string szPlotID, object oCreature);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void RebuildJournalQuestEntries(object oCreature)
string sEntries = GetCampaignString(PQJ_DATABASE,PQJ_PLAYER_VARNAME,oCreature);
int i, nCount = GetStringLength(sEntries) / 44;

string sQuest;
for(i=0;i < nCount;i++)
// get quest
sQuest = GetSubString(sEntries,(i*44),32);
// remove padding
sQuest = GetStringLeft(sQuest, FindSubString(sQuest, " "));
// add journal entry
AddJournalQuestEntry(sQuest, StringToInt(GetSubString(sEntries,(i*44) + 33,8)), oCreature, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);

int RetrieveQuestState(string szPlotID, object oCreature)
// retrieve all quest entries
string sEntries = GetCampaignString(PQJ_DATABASE,PQJ_PLAYER_VARNAME,oCreature);
// get quest we search for and add padding
string sQuest = (GetStringLength(szPlotID) < 32) ? szPlotID + GetStringLeft(" ",32 - GetStringLength(szPlotID)) : GetStringLeft(szPlotID,32);

// find target quest
int nPos = FindSubString(sEntries, sQuest + ">");

if( nPos != -1) // success ?? get & return value
return StringToInt(GetStringLeft(GetStringRight(sEntries,GetStringLength(sEntries)-nPos-GetStringLength(sQuest)-1),10));

// quest not started yet
return 0;

void StoreQuestEntry(string szPlotID, int nState, object oCreature, int bAllowOverrideHigher=FALSE)
// retrieve all quest entries
string sEntries = GetCampaignString(PQJ_DATABASE,PQJ_PLAYER_VARNAME,oCreature);

// pad quest
string sQuest = (GetStringLength(szPlotID) < 32) ? szPlotID + GetStringLeft(" ",32 - GetStringLength(szPlotID)) : GetStringLeft(szPlotID,32);
// pad state
string sState = IntToString(nState);
sState = (GetStringLength(sState) < 10) ? sState + GetStringLeft(" ",10 - GetStringLength(sState)) : GetStringLeft(sState,10);

// find target quest
int nPos = FindSubString(sEntries, sQuest + ">");

if( nPos != -1) // success ?

// check for override flag
if(!bAllowOverrideHigher) // new state < old state ? return
if(nState < StringToInt(GetStringRight(sEntries,GetStringLength(sEntries)-nPos-GetStringLength(sQuest)-1)))

// replace old quest state with new one
string sL = GetStringLeft(sEntries, nPos + GetStringLength(sQuest) + 1);
sEntries = sL + sState + GetStringRight(sEntries, GetStringLength(sEntries) - GetStringLength(sL) - 10);
else // add quest
sEntries += sQuest + ">" + sState + "|";

// store quest entries

void DeleteQuestEntry(string szPlotID, object oCreature)
// retrieve all quest entries
string sEntries = GetCampaignString(PQJ_DATABASE,PQJ_PLAYER_VARNAME,oCreature);
// pad quest
string sQuest = (GetStringLength(szPlotID) < 32) ? szPlotID + GetStringLeft(" ",32 - GetStringLength(szPlotID)) : GetStringLeft(szPlotID,32);
// find target quest
int nPos = FindSubString(sEntries, sQuest + ">");

if( nPos != -1) // success ?

// replace old quest state with new one
string sL = GetStringLeft(sEntries, nPos);
sEntries = sL + GetStringRight(sEntries, GetStringLength(sEntries) - GetStringLength(sL) - 44);

// store quest entries


void RemovePersistentJournalQuestEntry(string szPlotID, object oCreature, int bAllPartyMembers=FALSE, int bAllPlayers=FALSE)
RemoveJournalQuestEntry(szPlotID, oCreature, bAllPartyMembers, bAllPlayers);
// store data
// all players
object oPC = GetFirstPC();
if(GetIsPC(oPC)) DeleteQuestEntry(szPlotID, oPC);
oPC = GetNextPC();
else if(bAllPartyMembers)
// whole group
object oPartyMember = GetFirstFactionMember(oCreature, TRUE);
while (GetIsObjectValid(oPartyMember))
DeleteQuestEntry(szPlotID, oPartyMember);
oPartyMember = GetNextFactionMember(oCreature, TRUE);
// player only
DeleteQuestEntry(szPlotID, oCreature);

void AddPersistentJournalQuestEntry(string szPlotID, int nState, object oCreature, int bAllPartyMembers=FALSE, int bAllPlayers=FALSE, int bAllowOverrideHigher=FALSE)
AddJournalQuestEntry(szPlotID, nState, oCreature, bAllPartyMembers, bAllPlayers, bAllowOverrideHigher);
// store data
// all players
object oPC = GetFirstPC();
if(GetIsPC(oPC)) StoreQuestEntry(szPlotID, nState, oPC, bAllowOverrideHigher);
oPC = GetNextPC();
else if(bAllPartyMembers)
//SendMessageToPC(oCreature, "PARTY");
object oPartyMember = GetFirstFactionMember(oCreature, TRUE);
while (GetIsObjectValid(oPartyMember))
StoreQuestEntry(szPlotID, nState, oPartyMember, bAllowOverrideHigher);
oPartyMember = GetNextFactionMember(oCreature, TRUE);
StoreQuestEntry(szPlotID, nState, oCreature, bAllowOverrideHigher);

Primero solo he cambiado la parte que tu dijistes, despues puse FALSE en todos los sitios donde salía lo que me dijistes. Aún así...


11/09/2014 11:30:40

Ese script está bien, pero es el script de funciones generales, hay que ver que pone en los scripts que llaman a estas funciones, sobre todo que mandan a la función AddPersistentJournalQuestEntry.


11/09/2014 11:55:24

Ese es el pqj_inc... si no es ese el de funciones generales, ¿cual es?


11/09/2014 13:56:26

Los scripts que se usan en la conversación de la quest son los que llaman a las funciones estas que has puesto.


12/09/2014 13:17:49

Al final he conseguido arreglarlo con una chapucilla, antes de que te entre la entrada he hecho que les heche del grupo. :)